Men’s Health Magazine – An Insight

Men’s health magazine is one of the biggest men’s magazine brands. It has its reach to up to 12 million readers around the world on a monthly basis and boasts of 38 editions.As the name suggests, the magazine covers various aspects of men’s lifestyle and health like nutrition, sexuality and fitness.The magazine was first launched in the year 1987, by founding editor Mark Bricklin. The magazine when launched was aimed to be a health oriented magazine. With rise in popularity and increase in readership it has gradually evolved into a lifestyle magazine for men.The magazine covers all aspect of a men’s life like health, fitness, travel, technology, relationships, nutrition, finance and fashion. Promoted as a magazine which is a must read for successful, active and intelligent men, it is ideal for those men who want to make the most of their emotional, professional and physical self.The magazine confidently says that it provides men with the tools which help them make their lives better. The magazine remains as the best selling lifestyle magazine for men in the world. It provides men with practical and positive advice on the small steps which can lead them to big gains. The magazine shares some exclusive ideas with men which they cannot get elsewhere.The magazine covers every aspect of lifestyle that interests men- food, sex and sports. It has set a standard, a definition for success what success means to men. According to the magazine, men’s success should be defined with a combination of factors like living well, achieving goals, looking as well as feeling good and enjoying great relationships.The magazine has proved to be the lifestyle guru of men all around the world. Over the years, it has grown on to become every man’s very own life coach and kind of personal trainer. It guides you regarding your eating habits by sharing good eating habits with you. You also get tips on general health and weight loss.The magazine has received many awards over the year and it continues to deliver its best work in travel and wealth, grooming, gear and style and not to forget the very best in sex and relationships.Thus, it has proved to be a one stop shop for everything that is of interest to men. And if you want to lead a perfect and successful life then get yourself a subscription today!

How to Eat More and Stay Fit

This article deals with the ways and means of staying fit and healthy without any strenuous exercises and restraining from eating food of one’s choice. Keeping in view the hectic lifestyle of today, the entire program is designed which will reap benefits in future.There is a popular saying “Health Is Wealth” by which everyone agrees and it is a ground fact. Today, in this fast paced world where everyone is running out to make money, the health concept is ignored.People forget that a sound health plays a vital role and everything revolves around it.Through this program, it is rest assured that even with your hectic lifestyle and without abstaining from eating your kind of food, you will be able to eat more and stay fit without any strenuous exercises.I will try to explain as to how one can maintain a proper diet so as to keep healthy and fit.Carbohydrates require less water to digest than proteins or fats and are the most common source of energy in living things. Foods high in carbohydrates include breads, pastas, beans, potatoes, bran, rice and cereals. Most such foods are high in starch. Choose good carbs, not no carbs. Whole grains are your best bet.Don’t be misled by fad diets that make blanket pronouncements on the dangers of carbohydrates. They provide the body with fuel it needs for physical activity and for proper organ function, and they are an important part of a healthy diet. But some kinds of carbohydrates are far better than others.The best sources of carbohydrates-whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans-promote good health by delivering vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a host of important phytonutrients. Easily digested carbohydrates from white bread, white rice, pastries, sugared sodas, and other highly processed foods may contribute to weight gain, interfere with weight loss, and promote diabetes and heart disease. Well, Here are the 5 tips which you can follow to add godd carbs to your diet:Start the day with whole grains. Try a hot cereal, like old-fashioned oats, or a cold cereal that lists a whole grain first on the ingredient list.Use whole grain breads for lunch or snacks.Try brown rice, bulgur, wheat berries, whole wheat pasta, or another whole grain with your dinner.Choose whole fruit instead of juice. An orange has two times as much fiber and half as much sugar as a 12-ounce glass of orange juice.Bring on the beans. Beans are an excellent source of slowly digested carbohydrates as well as a great source of protein too.Pick up some whole wheat pasta. If the whole grain products are too chewy for you, look for those that are made with half whole-wheat flour and half white flour.If you want to go the lower carb route, try to include some fruits, vegetables, and whole grain carbohydrates every day. They contain a host of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that are essential for good health and that you can’t get out of a supplement bottle. And do your heart a favor by choosing healthy fats and proteins to go along with those healthy carbohydrates.For optimal health, get your grains intact from foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and other possibly unfamiliar grains like quinoa, whole oats, and bulgur. Not only will these foods help protect you against a range of chronic diseases, they can also please your palate and your eyes.Below are the following tips which you can follow on a daily basis to add flair to your health.The Nine Turning Points.Following these diet and lifestyle guidelines can help you achieve a healthy weight and reduce your chronic disease risk:1. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
2. Say yes to good fats.
3. Upgrade your carbohydrates.
4. Choose healthy proteins.
5. Stay hydrated.
6. Drink alcohol in moderation (optional).
7. Take a multivitamin every day.
8. Move More
9. Eat mindfully all day long.Well, I even understand that there might be lots of unanswered questions regarding health and fitness which I will try to clear out from your point of view.Q) How much control do we have over our body weight? And how much of our weight is controlled by our genes?A) Scientifically, Genes do play a role in controlling our weight, but clearly they do not explain the huge increases in overweight and obesity we have seen in the last 30 years. We gain weight when our “calories in” (the food we eat) exceeds our “calories out” (the energy we burn). Given the genetic package we are born with, we can all improve our weight by paying attention to diet and getting regular physical activity, but some people will need to work harder than others to maintain a healthy weight. In other words, if we all eat and work out the same, we will not all look the same. Only a very small percentage of people have such a strong genetic predisposition that they will be obese no matter how hard they try.Q) Can I lose weight through diet alone? Or do I need to exercise, too?A) Daily physical activity can help you control your weight and can reduce your risk of chronic disease. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day of physical activity; many people will find that 60 minutes a day is helpful for weight control.Q) Should I cut back on fat to lose weight?A) The goal is to cut back on calories, and a common mistake is to focus only on fat. Fat is satisfying, and in the long run low fat diets have generally failed as a way of weight control. For good health, the type of fat is more important than the amount; eat plenty of unsaturated fats, limit saturated fat, and avoid trans fat.Q) What are the best fruits and vegetables to eat if I want to lose weight? Which fruits and vegetables should be avoided?A) Chose a wide variety of vegetables and fruits every day, but don’t include white potatoes as a vegetable. Potatoes are a starch, and a rapidly-digested one at that; nutritionally, they have more in common with white bread and white rice than with other vegetables, and they should be eaten only occasionally. Go easy on fruits that are higher in carbohydrate, such as oranges, bananas, apricots, cherries, grapes, mangoes, pineapple and pears. Also, avoid fruit juices, since they contain a lot of sugary calories; choose whole fruit instead, since it has more fiber and will make you feel more full.Q) Which type of protein is best for me to eat-vegetable protein or animal protein?A) Emphasizing vegetable over animal sources of protein will help reduce risk of heart disease. For example, this means eating nuts, beans, and soy products instead of red meat, which contains a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol. However, a healthy diet can include moderate amounts of poultry, fish, and eggs. In addition to this, included in our program is a way which will supplement in keeping you healthy and fit.